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Welcome to the Air Activities web site for Scouting in Buckinghamshire

Come here for a current programme of events, the latest news and on-going resources to help you get the most of Scouting air activities for Cubs, Scouts and Explorers.

March 2008 - Bucks County email has a problem - please make sure you email me as air (at) - not

Young Aviator's Day

In collaboration with the LAA and Milton Keynes Aviation Society, this event will take place 18th September 2010. It'll be the old favorite activates from the regular county weekend with the addition of light aircraft, volunteer pilots and full length runways. Don't miss it!

More details...


This year we're having a formal presence at this rapidly expanding General Aviation show at Booker Airfield, High Wycombe. More details..

Popham May Day Bank Holiday

Popham takes place on the 1st and 2nd of May again this year. If you're an Explorer group and would like a weekend helping out at the biggest air show for small planes then drop me a line. As this event expands year on year we're moving to central catering, thanks to the local Scout Fellowship. More details...

Microlight Camp 2010

It's not clear when this will take place this year, but provisional dates are 8th and 9th of May or the second week in September. If you're interested get in touch early and I'll send you details as soon as they're available. More details...

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